As in other Local Authorities in Malaysia, Majlis Daerah Kuala Pilah was established to play an important role; as well as to render its responsibilities as follows:-

  • To render services to all the people who live within its jurisdiction, and amongst the services provided is rubbish collection; as well as the upkeep of the town.
  • To provide and regulate amenities for the people within its jurisdiction such as the maintenance of roads, drains and street lights.
  • To provide various social and recreational facilities such as children's playground; as well as the maintenance of parks.
  • To regulate the public's health by awarding licenses to businesses, prevention of contagious diseases, as well as to administer the construction of buildings.
  • To be directly involved in development projects such as joint venturing into construction of business centres and food courts so as to give opportunities to the public to venture into business.